Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Affirm that you can do it. You can find a job. You can change careers. You can learn to walk again. You can recover and not spend the rest of your life in the hospital. You can make it. You can succeed. But you must first affirm. I deserve to succeed as much as anyone else.Every human being is born with one gift from God : The privilege of deserving to succeed. People aren't higher up the ladder than you are because they are more favored by God than you. You are as good as they are. And if you don't think so, then that's your problem.
You must affirm: I deserve to succeed and i have the ability to succeed. Everyone has within himself latent,innate ability. It probably needs to be honed, educated, trained and refined,but it can be done.

Contributed by
Sh Deep ji

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