Saturday, August 10, 2013

Lucky Place-II

This is second method to choose lucky place for a native. It is called Kakni Sankhya Vidhi
In the folowing table select the category of which a person belongs to by his first alphabet of his hindi name. This is called Varga Sankhya(also called varga digit) of person.
Now from the first alphabet of the name of city or any place find out the category which it belongs to. This is called Varga Sankhya of place
Now to calculate Kakni Sankhya(also called Kakni digit) of person first multiply the Varga sankhya of native by 2 . Then add the varga sankhya of place. Now divide the answer by 8 and find out the remainder. Please note that if remainder is zero then make it 8. This remainder is called kakni sankhya of person.
Now to calculate Kakni Sankhya of Place first multiply the Varga sankhya of place by 2 . Then add the varga sankhya of person. Now divide the answer by 8 and find out the remainder. Please not that if remainder is zero then make it 8. This remainder is called kakni sankhya of place.
If the Kakni sankhya of place is less than the kakni sankhya of Person then the place is auspicious for a person.If the Kakni sankhya of place is less than the less sankhya of Person then the place is inauspicious for a person.If the Kakni sankhya of place is same than the kakni sankhya of Person then the place is neutral for a person
The Name of a person is Sumit.The place he want to move is Australia.From the table the Varga Sankhya of Sumit is 8.
From the table the Varga Sankhya of Australia is 1.
Kakni Sankhya of Sumit is 8x2+1/8=1(Remainder).
Kakni Sankhya of Australia is 1x2+8/8=2(Remainder)
Now Kakni Sankhya of Australia is more than the Kakni Sankhya of Sumit.
Therefore that country may not be best for him.
Similarly we can do the same excercise with respect to cities of australia like Sydney, Melbourne etc.

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