Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mangal ya Amangal

The word " Mangal Dosha " is the word which get a lot of hype while matching a chart.A native is considered to be “Manglik” when Mars is placed in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house from the natal ascendant or Moon. Some modern astro-researchers even include these positions from Venus. If all those concepts are totally true then in this way more eighty (80%) percent of the human beings are Manglik. The said position of Mars in a horoscope does not make a native Manglik in case the Mars is a functional benefic for the natal chart. The natal charts where Mars becomes functional malefic i.e. Virgo, Scorpio and Taurus ascendant charts, it can generate the results of the so-called Manglik yoga if the association of Mars is close/exact to the middle point of the house and the lord of the house where Mars is posited, is weak. There is no exception to this combination. However, the close aspects of a efficient benefic Jupiter is capable of warding off the evils generated by Mars to a large extent.Apart from that there are other factors also like the rashi which is influenced by mars.It makes a lot of difference while judging the chart.In the case of a boy, the dosha is highest for the seventh house and in case of the girl the dosha is at the peak for the eighth house.In addition to Mars, the fire planets Ketu and Sun also should be considered in counting the number of dosha’s in a horoscope. . In addition to the fiery planets, there is another group, which are also Papa grahas (malefics). These are Saturn and Rahu. These planets placed in similar positions should be considered in counting dosha’s. However the property of the dosha given by these planets is different - usually they are seen to cause delays in getting married, difficult relationships, bitterness and general unhappiness. Thus Saturn/ Rahu dosha’s in one horoscope cannot be matched with Mars/ Ketu dosha’s in the other horoscope.

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