Sunday, August 31, 2014

The effect of Maya (illusion)

Once a bear drowned into the river and started floating in it A saint who was standing near the bank of the river thought that a blanket was floating in the river.He swam to catch the blanket and tried to dragged it to the bank of the river . He was shocked to know that it was not the blanket but the bear who was  alive . The bear caught hold of  the saint    so that he could cross the river with his help. They both were trying to catch hold of one another . Sometime the saint was in dominating position and sometime the bear . Another saint who observeing it while standing on the bank of the river. He called him if you could'not grip the blanket then he should leave it. The saint in the river replied that he wanted to get rid of that blanket but he could not find any solution to get rid of it. As it had griped him very tightly.People get addicted to the luxurious things (illusion created by the power, Maya) & they become their slave to this extent that they cannot get rid of them even if they wish too..

Monday, August 18, 2014

True devotee

 एक बार अर्जुन को अहंकार हो गया कि वही भगवान के सबसे बड़े भक्त हैं। उनकी इस भावना को श्रीकृष्ण ने समझ लिया। एक दिन वह अर्जुन के साथ भ्रमण पर निकले । रास्ते में उनकी मुलाकात एक गरीब ब्राह्मण
से हुई। उसका व्यवहार थोड़ा विचित्र था। वह  रुखा सुखा भोजन  खा रहा था और उसकी कमर से तलवार लटक रही थी। अर्जुन ने उससे पूछा, ‘आप तो अहिंसा के पुजारी हैं। लेकिन फिर हिंसा का यह उपकरण तलवार क्यों आपके साथ है?’ ब्राह्मण ने जवाब दिया, ‘मैं कुछ लोगों को दंडित करना चाहता हूं।’‘ आपके शत्रु कौन हैं?’ अर्जुन ने जिज्ञासा जाहिर की। ब्राह्मण ने कहा, ‘मैं चार लोगों को खोज रहा हूं,ताकि उनसे अपना हिसाब चुकता कर सकूं। सबसे पहले तो मुझे नारद की तलाश है। नारद मेरे प्रभु को आराम नहीं करने देते,सदा भजन-कीर्तन कर उन्हें जागृत रखते हैं। फिर मैं द्रौपदी पर भी बहुतक्रोधित हूं। उसने मेरे प्रभु को ठीक उसी समय पुकारा, जब वह भोजन करने बैठे थे। उन्हें तत्काल खाना छोड़ पांडवों को दुर्वासा ऋषि के श्राप सेबचाने जाना पड़ा।‘आपका तीसरा शत्रु कौन है?’अर्जुन ने पूछा।‘ वह है हृदयहीन प्रह्लाद। उसनिर्दयी ने मेरे प्रभु को गरम तेल के कड़ाहे में प्रविष्ट कराया, हाथी के पैरों तले कुचलवाया और अंत में खंभे से प्रकट होने के लिए विवश किया।और चौथा शत्रु है अर्जुन। उसकी दुष्टता देखिए। उसने मेरेभगवान को अपना सारथी बना डाला।उसे भगवान की असुविधा का तनिक भी ध्यान नहीं रहा। कितना कष्टहुआ होगा मेरे प्रभु को।’ यह कहते ही ब्राह्मण की आंखों में आंसू आ गए। यह देख अर्जुन का घमंड चूर-चूर हो गया। उसने श्रीकृष्ण से क्षमा मांगते हुए कहा, ‘मान
गया प्रभु, इस संसार में न जाने आपके कितने तरह के भक्त हैं। मैं तो कुछ भी नहीं हूं।’


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Value of Gold

The couple Ranka and Banka were staunch devotees of god. They used to go to the forest to fetch wood everyday. One day while Ranka was moving a few steps ahead of Banka, he saw a gold coin lying on the ground. He thought his wife Banka might not become greedy on seeing it, therefore he started covering it with soil. By that time Banka too had reached there when she saw Ranka putting soil on the gold coin, she said to him," you are wasting your time by putting soil on the soil". Now Ranka felt that his wife is more detatched from worldy things than he is. In his viewpoint there was a difference between the soil and  the gold coin which was costlier than soil. But for his wife   both the soil and gold had the same value .

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The King and his 3 ministers

One day a king called his three ministers to his court and ordered each of them to carry a bag to the garden and collect fresh fruits. Three  of them went to the garden separately. The first minister tried to collect the best of the best   fruits of the king's choice. After a lot of efforts, he filled his bag  .The second minister thought that the king would not taste all the fruits at one time, therefore he collected very quickly. Some were and  some were unripen and rest were  rootten .The third minister thought the king would only see that the bag was full and he was not going to check what did it contain so to save his time he filled it with grass and leaves. The second day the king called his three minister's with their bags to his court and he did'not open bags to see what is there in them. And ordered to imprison. three of them for three months.Now, they didn't have any thing else to eat other than those bags.The minister who had collected fresh fruits   enjoyed eating them and three months passed away.The second minister who had collected the mixer of fresh, unripen, and rotten fruits., enjoyed fresh fruits for a few days and then he had eaten rotten fruits because of it he fell sick and had to face a great trouble. And third minister who had grass & leaves in his bag he died of hunger after a few days.Now, the question to be asked is what are you collecting ? This life is like a garden where you can perform good deeds or the bad one's , but remember whatever you save will help you in the time to come because god is watching you........