Friday, July 3, 2015

The Parrot

There once was a man who loved to listen to a holy teacher, but never made the effort to put his lessons into practice.

Once his parrot, who could speak well, asked where he went every day.
The man replied that he would like to find out more about God and liberation and that was why he went to listen to a holy man.

The parrot wanted the man to ask the holy man the following question on his behalf: “How can I be liberated?”

The man put the question before the holy man, who immediately sank down to the ground, as if he suddenly passed out.

The onlookers were very angry with the man, as he had asked such a crude question and they asked him to leave straight away.

When the man came home, he told the parrot the whole story.

The next morning he found the parrot lying still in his cage. The man assumed that he was dead and opened the cage to take him out.

The parrot flew immediately to the branch of a tree, however, and said: “I understood the holy man’s message and now I’m free. It would be good for you if you too would follow the holy man’s instructions.”

We are like this man, who would like to hear or read about evolution through spiritual guide or book, but when it comes to applying or executing it we all resist to it, because of fear, laziness or the intellect that comes in a way.

In this story parrot is much more obedient to the holy man than the man who goes to holy man just to listen what he has to say. Spirituality is all about doing/applying and experiencing, to get the real knowledge.

Edited and compiled by Sh Sanjeev ji

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