Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Shubh Snaan

In our classics various remedies are recommended to pacify the ill effect of planet. Bathing in medicinal water is one amongst them. It is said that such remedy removes all the obstacle caused by unfavourble transit of planets. Last but not least it should be performed in an auspicious muhurat, only then this remedy gives it full positive effect. So, when the following planets are bad in transit, then bath as follows
Sun- Bad effect of malefic transiting sun could be removed if one bath with illaichi,honey,khas-khas,kesar,lotus,Roli, cinnamon,black pepper, dry ginger,cardamom
Moon-bath with lotus,conch,shell,Belpatra,Sphatic,Panchgavya
Mars-Red flower,leaves of china rose,,Naag kesar,turmeric
Mercury- honey,nag kesar,panchgavya,mint,bhringra
Jupiter-honey,seeds of yellow mustard,flowers of malti,juhi,chameli,ketki,ashwagandha,,almonds,walnut,cashews
Venus-saffron,white lotus,rose,jasmine
Saturn-Kala til,Saunph,shilajit,triphala,ashwagandha
Rahu-Doorva,Bilav patra,camphor
Ketu-Annar,Red sandal

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