Thursday, July 3, 2008


It is believe that each day of lord Brahama consist of 4,320,000,000 years. This period can be further subdivided into 14 units called manvantar consisting 306,720,000 years each. Each manvantar is ruled by “Manu”. So there are 14 Manus correspond to each day of lord Brahma. The order of Manu is as follows

  1. Swayambhoo
  2. Swarochisha
  3. Uttama
  4. Tamas
  5. Raivat
  6. Chakshush
  7. Vaivaswat
  8. Savarni
  9. Daksha Savarni
  10. Brahma Savarni
  11. Dharma Savarni
  12. Rudra Savarni
  13. Daiva Savarni
  14. Indra Savarni
As per classics 50 days of Lord Brahma has been passed. Currently 7th Manu ,that is Vaivaswat is running

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